Hello Beauty Pies!
By know I think you all already know that I'm having Mandarim Classes.
I have a presentation next week, and all I have to say is this, meaning my self introduction.
Hoping that is ok. Still learning the basic's so please don't judge me.
我姓 Antunes,我叫 Mafalda。我是葡萄牙人。
Hello Beauty Pies!
This is my outfit of the day. It's getting really cold here, in Portugal.
Hope you like it ;)
Shirt - Shana.
Scarf - H&M.
Jeans - H&M.
Watch - Hugo Boss.
Hello Beauty Pies!
As you all guess, this month crush is...
Why? Really?
Well... First as you can see I'm a TVD ( The Vampire Diaries) addicted, and second he's a beauty pie.
Nothing to say, just... nothing.
Hoping that you all agreed with me.
♥ Day 2: 10 facts about you that anyone knows.
1. Love to work and study while I listen classic music.
2. When I was younger I dreamed about being a "prima ballerina".
3. I'm afraid of butterflies.
4. I have a "teddy bear" that comes with me everytime I'm far from home.
5. I drink tea, Quite Nights from Lipton, every nights.
6. I dream about living in NYC.
7. I'm lactose intolerant.
8. Everytime I went to Starbucks I always end drinking the same, White Moca with soya milk.
9. Every morning I'm the most grumpy and moody person.
10. I call my cellphone my boyfriend name, André.
♥ Day 1: Your cellphone.
I have the iPhone 5 in black - I use to have the 4 also in black and them my mom got me the 5, thanks mom ♥
I love Apple, I love my phone and I'm grateful for having it.
Pastéis de Belém, Lisboa, Portugal.
Hello Beauty Pies.
It's Tuesday around Portugal time!!!
Today's post it's about a different Sunday that you can have, here in Portugal.
Every 3rd Sunday of each month at 11am you can see in front of the "Palácio de Belém" the changing of the guard (the next one it's on 15th December).
And if it's not raining you can also see....
And after that nothing better then eat some "Pastéis de Belém" with a hot tea or anything that you prefer.
Hello Beauty Pies!
I wanna share with you my very first challenge here on the blog.
Hope you follow my challenge and if you want you can also do it, by left a comment below or do it on your blog. I will love to follow your challenge to.
Starting tomorrow.
♥ Day 2: 10 facts about you that anyone knows.
♥ Day 3: A picture of taken today.
♥ Day 4: A image of you're self as a child.
♥ Day 5: Something you have afraid of.
♥ Day 6: A celebrity look a like.
♥ Day 7: Your favorite food.
♥ Day 8: A picture of you three years ago.
♥ Day 9: Your worst habit.
♥ Day 10: Your opinion about you're body.
♥ Day 11: What's in your bag.
♥ Day 12: A place you'll like to visit or move in to it.
♥ Day 13: 5 things you'll like to do.
♥ Day 14: Something or someone you miss.
♥ Day 15: Your room.
Hello Beauty Pies!
Sorry for those you read my blog and don't know portuguese, but I'm gonna write this next post in portuguese.
Sabem quando acordaram de um sonho e estiveram a sonhar, quer dizer a ter um pesadelo, e ficam super aliviadas por não ser real?
Foi o que me aconteceu hoje.
Foi o que me aconteceu hoje.
Acordei várias vezes a chorar, e cada vez que acordava ficava grata por não ser real mas assim que fechava os olhos a "saga" continuava... Até que decidi acordar para acabar com aquilo de uma vez por todas.
O pesadelo estava relacionado com o André (para quem não sabe o meu namorado) e ele (quer dizer o meu sub-consciente) decidiu acabar comigo e dizer/fazer as coisas mais horríveis imagináveis.
Assim que fui ter com ele a primeira coisa foi contar-lhe a segunda dar-lhe uma palmada por ter dito aquilo (que não disse, ahah) e depois dar-lhe beijinhos e abraça-lo.
Super feliz que a realidade seja bem melhor que aquele maldito pesadelo!
Hello Beauty Pies!
With this weather all I want is be at home, with some comfy clothes with a hot chocolate, PERFECT for cold and rainy days.
Hello Beauty Pies!
This is the outfit of the day.
(Sorry for the weird shadows)
Boots - Timberland
Leggings - Tezenis
Jacket - Pull&Bear
Scarf - H&M
Shirt - Pull&Bear
Watch - Swatch
Hello Beauty Pies!
It's begin to look a lot like Christmas, finally.
The first step it's being cold, CHECK.
The second step it's turn on the fire place, CKECK.
The third step it's decorate the house, but that only happens on the 1st December, almoooost.
Hope you love the pictures.
Hello Beauty Pies!
My foundation is almost over so it's time for a new one. I've never ever try this one so I'm really excited to use this new foundation.
(I hope I chose the right shade... Because one of the bad thing's about buying drugstore products it's that you don't have a sample, baaaaah.)
I also bought a lipstick from Kate Moss's line for Rimmel London UK.
And finally the eye brow stylist from Catrice.
Casa do Preto, Sintra, Portugal.
Palácio da Pena, Sintra, Portugal.
Hello Beauty Pies!
It's Tuesday Beautiful Portugal day post.
Today we are going to Sintra!
On the first image you can see one of the typical sweets from Sintra, it calls "Queijadas de Sintra" it's absolutely amazing, crunchy and jelly and at the same time you can taste the most incredible flavor of them.
On the second image you have one of the icons of this city, "Palácio da Pena".
The Palace it's at the top of a mountain (as you can see at the horizontal picture, but the monument that is on the picture it's the "Castelo dos Mouros" not the Palace).
On the top of the Palace you have the most amazing views, you can see Sintra, Lisbon etc.
But, be very carefully the day that you chose to visit because most of the time there are a lot of fog.
Hope you like it, and have plans to go there!
Hello Beauty Pies!!!!
How as been your start of week?
I've been working on some projects, not only for the blog but for other stuff.
I always heard that if you love what you do you'll never work.

Hello Beauty Pies!
This post it's about the products that I use every night, during and after shower.
Note: The D'Aveia product was given me by my medical dermatology, so do not use it unless your doctor say so.

Hello Beauty Pies!
How was your weekend so far?
Here I share with you a little of my weekend, this was on saturday.
I didn't took any picture today, but I have a very special post for you the two next Tuesdays.
This was at Belém, Mosteiro dos Jerónimos.
Hat - Parfois
Jacket - Forever21
Bag - Parfois
Jeans - H&M
Brown shirt - Saccor
Scarf - H&M
Hello Beauty Pies!
Sorry for the the late post, today.
So... I guess that you already guess where did I went for my birthday...
André arrange all by him self, he surprise me!! HOW WONDERFUL IS HIM?
I didn't suspect, and the day before we leave he only said that we were gonna to somewhere, and by plane.
I only knew the destination at the aeroport, Paris, for my birthday.
It was amazing, and I couldn't imagine that kind of surprise.
We went there for the weekend and on 12 May (my birthday) he surprise me again saying "we're going to Disneyland Paris" Wait.. WHAT???
Thank you so much baby.