outfit of the day

by - 9:34 AM

Hello again Beauty Pies!

This is my outfit of the day.
When your sick and you have to go out, all you wanna wear it's something comfy and simple.
 (If I could I would go out on my pijama, but I can't)

Jacket - I don't know and it doesn't have a tag.
Shirt - Zara
Jeans - H&M
Boots - Primark
Bag - Zara
Watch - Citizen

Now it's time for my Mandarim class.

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3 comentários

  1. Adoro o look, parece bem confortável!


  2. Adoro o teu casaco e o teu relógio.:)
    Deve ser mesmo interessante aprender mandarim!


  3. I love this outfit of the day [even if you were sick], specially the jacket [so comfy, casual and beautiful for many outfits] :) Quanto às tuas aulas de Mandarim, também já andei interessada nessa possibilidade, mas ainda não investi nesse sentido! Estás a gostar de aprender mandarim?


