It's Mondaaaay...

by - 2:33 PM

Good night beauties...

I know that it's kinda of late today, but better later then never right? Remember I told ou on Saturday that I have some new's to share with you? Well here it is... Not only I want to share with you a little bit of my day today (Monday) but I also... FOR THE FIRST TIME ON MY LIFE I'M ON A GYM.
The gym name is Tonik, it's in Lisbon, and absolutely a-m-a-z-i-n-g-! Today was my first day and as you can guess every little piece of my body hurts as hell!!
The sun came out today, yyeeeeyyy 
My morning tea, on my favorite mug!
An here is the Gym that I'm in. And a picture of me after my first workout. Yeeaah, so happy!!!!

How about you guys, anyone out there in a Gym to? Some advices for a "rookie"?

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5 comentários

  1. parabeeeeeens :D opa eu tenho de voltar :(

    beijinhos querida,
    Chic Diary

    1. baby, vens para o meu!!
      e depois vamos juntas, ahah ia ser um "must".

  2. olha nunca andei também ahah boa sorte :b


  3. Adorei o teu blog e tens uma nova seguidora..hehe

  4. r: tens??? ahahah opa que coincidencia! afinal de contas ate temos os gostos parecidos

    beijinhos querida
    Chic Diary

