Adventures, in the kitchen with Mafalda...

by - 10:58 AM

H E L L O  B E A U T I E S !

I was working for studio, when suddenly my belly start talking... that means... SNACK TIME!
I decided to try a recipe that I found online... And that I wanna share with you guys, hope you like it as much as I did.


1 banana 
1 egg 
1 cup oatmeal (about 75 g) flour 
20 g of almond 
20g dark chocolate 

You need to do: 

Start by placing the oven to 200 degrees. 

Mashed banana and mix it together with eggs and oatmeal. Chop the almonds finely and coarsely chocolate. 
Whisk until the mixture with the almonds, then touch the chocolate with a spoon. 

Place on a baking sheet and flatten with the back of a spoon. I used a tablespoon of dough for. cookie. 

Put them in the oven for approx. 20 minutes, AND ENJOY IT!

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